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How Old Notes Are Recycled: Unveiling the Fascinating Journey of Paper Currency

How Old Notes Are Recycled

How Old Notes Are Recycled: In the fast-paced world of finance and the economy, the circulation of currency is a fundamental aspect that keeps the wheels of commerce turning. While we often focus on the value and significance of money, have you ever wondered what happens to old notes when they are taken out of circulation? In this article, we delve into the intriguing process of how old notes are recycled, shedding light on their journey from circulation to reincarnation. Check the article below.

How Old Notes Are Recycled

The Life Cycle of Currency:

Every note has a lifespan, determined by factors such as wear and tear, counterfeit risks, and changes in design or security features. The life cycle begins when freshly minted notes are introduced into circulation, and it ends when they are withdrawn due to damage, obsoletion, or the introduction of new series. Let’s explore the different stages in the life cycle of currency.

Identification and Removal:

To maintain the integrity of the currency, central banks and monetary authorities conduct regular inspections and assessments of the notes in circulation. Highly trained experts meticulously examine the banknotes for signs of wear, tear, or damage. When a note is deemed unfit for continued use, it is identified and removed from circulation.

Sorting and Shredding:

Once identified as unfit, the old notes embark on a journey of recycling. They are sent to specialized currency processing facilities where advanced machinery takes over. The first step in the recycling process is sorting. The notes are sorted based on their denomination, series, and condition. This meticulous categorization enables effective management of the recycling process.

After sorting, the old notes undergo shredding. Powerful machines slice the banknotes into fine shreds, rendering them completely unusable. This destruction is a crucial security measure, ensuring that the recycled notes cannot be misused or re-enter circulation.

Pulp Creation:

Once the notes are shredded, they are transformed into pulp through a rigorous pulping process. The shredded notes are mixed with water and subjected to intense agitation, breaking them down into a slurry-like consistency. This pulp is then thoroughly washed to remove any remaining ink, debris, or contaminants.

Transformation into New Products:

The purified pulp, now free from any identifying features, is ready to be given a new purpose. It serves as a raw material for manufacturing various paper-based products. The possibilities are vast, and recycled banknote pulp can be used in the production of a wide range of items such as tissue paper, cardboard, stationery, and even eco-friendly packaging materials.

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable:

The recycling of old notes not only serves economic and security purposes but also contributes to environmental sustainability. By reusing the shredded notes as pulp, the need for virgin wood fibers in paper production is reduced. This practice helps conserve natural resources and minimizes the environmental impact associated with paper manufacturing.

The Significance of Recycling:

Beyond the environmental benefits, the recycling of old notes also plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability and trustworthiness of the currency. By withdrawing and replacing damaged or outdated notes, central banks ensure that the currency remains reliable and resilient, bolstering confidence in its value.

Conclusion – How Old Notes Are Recycled

The journey of old notes from circulation to reincarnation is a fascinating process that showcases the careful management, security measures, and environmental consciousness of central banks and monetary authorities. By recycling these retired banknotes, we not only contribute to a sustainable future but also witness the transformative power of repurposing. So, the next time you handle crisp banknotes, remember the incredible journey that each note may undertake after its time in circulation.

Also ReadTrue Causes of Poverty

15 Quotes About Being Positive – Stay Positive and Conquer

Quotes About Being Positive

Quotes About Being Positive

In today’s fast-paced and often challenging world, maintaining a positive mindset and nurturing inner strength is crucial for personal growth and success. Life is full of ups and downs, and during difficult times, it’s essential to find inspiration and motivation to keep moving forward. This article aims to provide you with a collection of 15 powerful quotes that will ignite your inner strength and help you stay positive, no matter what challenges you may face.

15 Quotes About Being Positive (Ignite Your Inner Strength)

1. Embrace Challenges with a Positive Mindset

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

2. Persistence: The Key to Overcoming Obstacles

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

3. Believe in Yourself and Your Abilities

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

4. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey

5. Embrace Failure as a Stepping Stone to Success

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison

Quotes About Being Positive

6. Cultivate a Mindset of Gratitude

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward

7. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

8. Seek Opportunities for Personal Growth

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle

9. Embrace Change and Adaptability

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela

10. Find Inspiration in the Face of Adversity

“The best way out is always through.” – Robert Frost

11. Overcome Fear and Take Bold Actions

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” – Roy T. Bennett

12. Practice Self-Compassion and Self-Care

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

13. Embrace the Power of Positive Affirmations

“I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.”William Ernest Henley

14. Learn from Mistakes and Keep Growing

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.”Henry Ford

15. Celebrate Small Victories Along the Way

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”Albert Schweitzer

Conclusion – Quotes About Being Positive

Inner strength and a positive mindset are essential ingredients for achieving personal growth, overcoming challenges, and finding happiness in life. By embracing the wisdom shared in these 15 quotes, you can ignite your inner strength and stay positive even in the face of adversity. Remember, life’s challenges are opportunities for growth, and by maintaining a positive attitude, you can conquer any obstacle that comes your way.

Also Read: 10 Habits of Good Students

Exploring the True Causes of Poverty, Decoding the Enigma

Poverty is a multifaceted problem that impacts millions of individuals globally. It is a state of extreme deprivation, where individuals or communities lack the necessary resources to meet their basic needs and enjoy a decent standard of living. Understanding the root causes of poverty is crucial for devising effective solutions and alleviating this pervasive problem. In this article, we will delve into various factors that contribute to poverty and explore their true causes.

  1. Introduction
    • Definition of poverty
    • Importance of understanding the causes of poverty
  2. Economic Factors
    • Lack of job opportunities
    • Low wages and income inequality
    • Economic downturns and recessions
  3. Education and Skills Gap
    • Limited access to quality education
    • Lack of vocational training programs
    • Inadequate skill development
  4. Social Factors
    • Discrimination and inequality
    • Gender disparity
    • Social exclusion and Marginalization
  5. Political Factors
    • Corruption and mismanagement
    • Weak governance and institutions
    • Lack of social welfare policies
  6. Environmental Factors
    • Natural disasters and climate change
    • Environmental degradation and resource scarcity
    • Agriculture and food security challenges
  7. Health and Sanitation
    • Lack of access to healthcare services
    • Poor sanitation and hygiene practices
    • Spread of diseases and epidemics
  8. Conclusion
    • Recap of the causes of poverty
    • Importance of addressing these causes
    • Call to action to alleviate poverty
Causes of Poverty

Exploring the True Causes of Poverty

1. Introduction

Poverty can be defined as a multifaceted condition characterized by inadequate income, limited access to basic services, and a lack of opportunities for social and economic advancement. It is not merely the absence of financial resources but also a state of vulnerability and deprivation. To combat poverty effectively, we need to go beyond the surface and examine its underlying causes.

2. Economic Factors

One of the primary drivers of poverty is the lack of job opportunities. Many individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle of poverty due to a scarcity of employment options. Additionally, low wages and income inequality exacerbate the problem, as they prevent individuals from earning sufficient income to lift themselves out of poverty. Economic downturns and recessions further contribute to poverty, as they lead to job losses and reduced economic activity.

3. Education and Skills Gap

The education and skills gap is another critical factor that perpetuates poverty. Limited access to quality education hinders individuals from acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to secure better job prospects. Furthermore, the absence of vocational training programs leaves many individuals without the specialized skills demanded by the job market. Inadequate skill development opportunities further widen the gap between the impoverished and the more affluent segments of society.

4. Social Factors

Discrimination and inequality based on factors such as race, ethnicity, and social class play a significant role in perpetuating poverty. Marginalized communities often face barriers to economic opportunities, healthcare, and education. Gender disparity is another social factor that contributes to poverty, as women and girls often face limited access to education, employment, and resources. Social exclusion and marginalization isolate individuals and communities, making it challenging for them to escape poverty.

5. Political Factors

Political factors can significantly impact poverty levels in a society. Corruption and mismanagement of public funds divert resources away from poverty alleviation programs. Weak governance and institutions create an environment where poverty persists, as they fail to implement effective policies and strategies. The absence of comprehensive social welfare policies further exacerbates the situation, leaving vulnerable populations without a safety net.

6. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors also play a significant role in driving poverty. Natural disasters and climate change-related events can devastate communities and destroy livelihoods, pushing people into poverty. Environmental degradation, such as deforestation and soil erosion, negatively impacts agricultural productivity, making it difficult for communities reliant on farming to escape poverty. Additionally, resource scarcity and competition exacerbate poverty, especially in regions where access to water and land is limited.

7. Health and Sanitation

The lack of access to quality healthcare services is a significant cause of poverty. When individuals fall ill and are unable to receive proper medical care, their health deteriorates, making it challenging for them to work and earn a living. Poor sanitation and hygiene practices also contribute to the spread of diseases, further impeding economic progress. Epidemics and pandemics, such as the recent COVID-19 outbreak, highlight the devastating consequences of inadequate health systems on poverty levels.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, poverty is a complex issue driven by a combination of factors. Economic, educational, social, political, environmental, and health-related factors all contribute to the perpetuation of poverty. Addressing poverty requires a holistic approach that tackles these root causes and implements comprehensive strategies to uplift individuals and communities. By understanding and addressing the true causes of poverty, we can strive towards a more equitable and prosperous world for all.

FAQs (Causes of Poverty)

  1. What is the main cause of poverty?
    • Poverty has multiple causes, including economic factors, social inequality, political corruption, and environmental challenges.
  2. How does education contribute to poverty reduction?
    • Education plays a crucial role in breaking the cycle of poverty by providing individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to access better job opportunities.
  3. Can poverty be eradicated completely?
    • While complete eradication of poverty is a challenging goal, concerted efforts to address its root causes can significantly reduce poverty rates and improve living conditions.
  4. How does climate change impact poverty?
    • Climate change leads to increased natural disasters, resource scarcity, and agricultural challenges, all of which disproportionately affect vulnerable communities and contribute to poverty.
  5. What can individuals do to help alleviate poverty?
    • Individuals can contribute to poverty alleviation by supporting organizations and initiatives that provide education, healthcare, and economic opportunities to those in need.

10 Habits of Good Students

Habits of Good Students

Habits of Good Students: Successful students have some amazing habits that set them apart from the rest. These habits not only help them ace their studies but also contribute to their personal growth.

10 Habits of Good Students


Being a good student is not just about intelligence or natural talent. It’s a combination of habits and practices that lead to academic success. In this article, we will explore ten key habits that can help students excel in their studies. From setting clear goals to maintaining a healthy balance, these habits will not only improve academic performance but also contribute to personal growth. So, let’s dive into the ten habits of good students.

Habit 1: Setting Clear Goals

Good students understand the importance of setting clear goals. They know what they want to achieve academically and create a roadmap to reach their targets. By setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, students stay focused, motivated, and on track.

Habit 2: Time Management

Time management is crucial for students to handle multiple tasks effectively. Good students prioritize their activities, create schedules, and allocate time wisely. They avoid procrastination and make the most of their study hours, ensuring that they complete assignments, prepare for exams, and have time for other activities.

Habit 3: Active Listening

Active listening is a habit that sets good students apart. They pay attention to their teachers, engage in classroom discussions, and take meaningful notes. Active listening helps students grasp concepts better, ask relevant questions, and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Habit 4: Taking Notes

Taking notes is an essential habit for good students. They develop effective note-taking strategies, such as using keywords, summaries, and visual aids. Notes serve as valuable study resources and help students recall information during exams or when revising.

Habit 5: Being Organized

Good students understand the significance of being organized. They keep track of assignments, deadlines, and important materials. Organizing study materials, creating a tidy workspace, and maintaining a systematic approach to their academic tasks contribute to their overall success.

Habit 6: Seeking Help

Good students know when to seek help. They actively engage with their teachers, ask questions, and seek clarification when needed. They also utilize resources like tutoring services or study groups to enhance their understanding of challenging subjects. Seeking help is just a sign of strength, not at all weakness.

Habit 7: Participating in Class

Active participation in class is a habit that good students cultivate. They contribute to discussions, share their ideas, and ask thought-provoking questions. This habit helps them develop critical thinking skills, improve their communication abilities, and build a positive rapport with their peers and teachers.

Habit 8: Reviewing and Revising

Reviewing and revising is a habit that good students adopt to reinforce their learning. They regularly review class notes, textbooks, and study materials. By revisiting the material, students can consolidate their knowledge, identify gaps, and reinforce concepts for better retention.

Habit 9: Embracing Challenges

Good students view challenges as opportunities for growth. They embrace difficult tasks, push their boundaries, and persist through setbacks. This habit builds resilience, problem-solving skills, and the ability to overcome obstacles, which are crucial for long-term success.

Habit 10: Maintaining a Healthy Balance

Good students understand the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between academics and personal well-being. They prioritize self-care, take breaks, engage in physical activity, and nurture their relationships. By maintaining balance, students can avoid burnout, stay motivated, and enjoy a holistic learning experience.

ConclusionHabits of Good Students

In conclusion, becoming a good student requires more than just attending classes and studying hard. It involves cultivating a set of habits that foster success. By setting clear goals, managing time effectively, actively listening, taking notes, being organized, seeking help, participating in class, reviewing and revising, embracing challenges, and maintaining a healthy balance, students can unlock their full potential and achieve both academic and personal growth.

FAQs(Habits of Good Students)

FAQ 1: How can I improve my time management skills?

Improving time management skills starts with creating a schedule and prioritizing tasks. Set realistic deadlines, eliminate distractions, and break larger tasks into smaller, manageable parts. Additionally, learn to delegate when possible and avoid procrastination to make the most of your time.

FAQ 2: Is active listening important for academic success?

Absolutely! Active listening allows you to absorb information effectively, understand concepts better, and engage in meaningful discussions. It improves your retention, critical thinking abilities, and overall academic performance.

FAQ 3: How can being organized benefit my studies?

Being organized helps you stay on top of your assignments, deadlines, and study materials. It reduces stress, saves time, and ensures that you have everything you need when you need it. A well-organized approach enhances productivity and boosts your academic success.

FAQ 4: Why is seeking help important for good students?

Seeking help is a sign of maturity and a desire to learn. Good students understand that everyone needs assistance at times. By seeking help, you can clarify doubts, gain a deeper understanding of complex topics, and improve your academic performance.

FAQ 5: How can I maintain a healthy balance as a student?

To maintain a healthy balance, prioritize self-care and allocate time for activities outside of academics. Set boundaries, engage in hobbies or physical exercise, spend time with loved ones, and take breaks when needed. Remember, a balanced lifestyle contributes to overall well-being and academic success.

Prakasam AP Gov Recruitment 2022 – Apply Consultant WQM Post

Prakasam AP Gov Recruitment 2022

Prakasam AP Gov Recruitment 2022. AP RURAL WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT has released a notification for the recruitment of District Level Consultant (Water Quality Monitoring) in the Prakasam district on a contract basis.

Interested and Eligible candidates should apply for this post. Check more details like qualification, age limit, how to apply, selection process, and exam date check below.

Prakasam AP Gov Recruitment 2022 Vacancy Details

Organization NameAP Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Department
Job CategoryContract
Name of the PostDistrict Level Consultant WQM (Water Quality Monitoring)
Total No.of Posts01
Job Locationఒంగోలు (Andhra Pradesh)

Age Limit

Candidates age should be a minimum of 18 years and a maximum of 42 years as of 01.07.2022.

Educational Qualification

Candidate must have passed the Post Graduation in Chemistry/ Microbiology with computer knowledge.

Selection Procedure

The selection process is on the basis of Merit/Interview.


₹35,000/- inclusive of all tours and travel charges.

How to Apply for Prakasam AP Gov Recruitment 2022

Eligible and Interested candidates can apply through the official website of the AP Prakasam district.

  • Visit the official website
  • Now go to the Notices->Recruitment page
  • Read the official notification
  • If Eligible, Download the Application Form
  • Fill out the Application form and
  • Send it to the given address along with other necessary documents (by register post)


The Member Secretary,
DWSC, Superintending Engineer,
RWS&S Circle Office,
DRRM Municipal Corporation High School Road,
Santhapeta 1st Line, Ongole – 523001.

Important Dates

Starting Date to Apply22/06/2022
Last Date to Apply15/07/2022

Notification Links

Official NotificationClick Here
Application FormClick Here

గమనిక: ఈ ఉద్యోగ నియామకం కాంట్రాక్టు పద్ధతిన జరుగుతుంది. ఉద్యోగంలో నియమించిన తేదీ నుండి ప్రతి 11 సంవత్సరాలకు రెన్యువల్ చేయబడుతుంది.

Ganjam District Court Recruitment 2019 – Apply 61 Jr Clerk, Jr Typist & Other Posts

Ganjam District Court Recruitment 2019: Office of District Court Ganjam at Berhampur has released a notification for the recruitment of 61 Jr Clerk, Jr Typist & Other Posts. Interested and Eligible candidates who are looking for a career in Ganjam Court, should apply for these posts. Check more details like qualification, age limit, how to apply, selection process, exam date check below.

Ganjam District Court Recruitment 2019 Vacancy Details

Organization Name Office of District Court Ganjam at Berhampur
Job Category Court Job
Post Details
Name of the Post No. of Posts
Junior Clerk-cum-Copyist 44
Junior Typist 18
Stenographer Grade-Ill 19
Salaried Amin. 01
Total No.of Posts 61
Job Location Odisha
Notification No 01/Rect./2019

Age Limit

Candidates age should be a minimum of 18 years and a maximum of 32 years as on 05.11.2019.

Educational Qualification

Candidate should have passed the Intermediate Examination, Diploma in Computer Application.

Selection Procedure

The selection process is on the basis of Viva-Voce, Writing Test, Computer Test.


  • Gen/OBC: ₹100
  • SC/ST: No Fee

How to Apply for Ganjam District Court Recruitment 2019

Eligible and Interested candidates can apply through the official website of Ganjam Court

  • Visit the official website
  • Click on Recruitment
  • Read the official notification
  • If Eligible, Download the Application Form
  • Fill the Application form and
  • Send it to the given address along with other necessary documents

Important Dates

Starting Date to Apply 30 Sep 2019
Last Date to Apply 05 Nov 2019

Important Links

Official Notification & Application Form Click Here

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About90 team

Ganjam District Court Recruitment 2017 – Apply 61 Junior Clerk, Stenographer & Other Posts: Ganjam Court Notification 2017, Ganjam District Court Recruitment Notification 2017. Office of District Court Ganjam at Berhampur, Odisha has released a notification for the recruitment of 61 Junior Clerk/Copyist, Junior Typist, Stenographer Grade 3, Salaried Amin posts. The court invites the applications from the eligible candidates on or before 20th October 2017. Other details like age limit, vacancy details, educational qualification, application fee, how to apply, selection process, important dates given below.

Ganjam District Court Recruitment 2017 Vacancy Details

Organization Name: District Court Ganjam at Berhampur, Odisha

Job Category: Court Jobs

Name of the Post: Junior Clerk/Copyist, Junior Typist, Stenographer Grade 3, Salaried Amin

Total No.of Posts: 61

Job Location: Berhampur, Odisha

Posts Details:

  1. Junior Clerk/Copyist: 39 Posts
  2. Junior Typist: 07 Posts
  3. Stenographer Grade-III: 14 Posts
  4. Salaried Amin: 01 Posts

Ganjam District Court Recruitment 2017 Educational Qualification

Candidate should have completed 10+2 standard from Orissa Higher Education board and should have passed Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute for the Posts 1, 2, 3. For Salaried Amin post candidate should have completed matriculation from a recognized board and have passed the Revenue Inspector Training.

Age Limit for Ganjam District Court Recruitment Jobs 2017

Candidates age limit should be between 18 years to 32 years as on 20.10.2017.

Age Relaxation:

  • SC/ST/SEBC/Women: 05 years
  • PH: 10 years

Selection Process for Ganjam District Court Notification 2017

  • Written Examination
  • Practical Test
  • Viva Voce

Application Fee for Ganjam Court Recruitment 2017

  • Gen/ OBC: Rs.100/-
  • SC/ST: No Fee

How to Apply for Ganjam District Court Jobs 2017

  1. Log on to the official website
  2. Click on the desired notification
  3. Read the official notification carefully
  4. Click on the Apply Online link
  5. Fill the application form
  6. Take a printout of the application form

Send the duly filled application form along with relevant documents to the following address before the last date 20.10.2017.


Office of the District Judge, Ganjam, Berhampur

Important Dates – Last Date for Ganjam District Court Recruitment Posts 2017

Last Date to Apply: 20.10.2017

BSEB Recruitment 2019 – Apply 75 Assistant, Steno, DEO & Other Posts

BSEB Recruitment 2019: Bihar School Education Board has released a notification for the recruitment of 75 Assistant, Steno, DEO & Other Posts. Interested and Eligible candidates who are looking for a career in BSEB, should apply for these posts. Check more details like qualification, age limit, how to apply, selection process, exam date check below.

BSEB Recruitment 2019 Vacancy Details

Organization Name Bihar School Education Board
Job Category State Govt Job
Total No.of Posts 75
Job Location Bihar

Age Limit

Candidates age should not be more than 50 years.

Educational Qualification

Name of the Post No. of Posts Qualification
Assistant 23 Minimum 50% Graduate in any subject with 5 years experience (computer knowledge).
Account Assistant 21 Graduate in commerce.
Stenographer 03
  • Pass Intermediate in any subject.
  • 80 words per minute in steno.
  • Knowledge of M.S.Office.
Stenographer-Cum-Computer Operator 10
  • Intermediate in any subject.
  • 80 words per minute in steno.
Data Entry Operator 18 Intermediate pass and a one-year diploma in computer application.

Selection Procedure

The selection process is on the basis of Test, Typing Test, etc.


Name of the Post Salary
Assistant ₹25000
Account Assistant ₹25000
Stenographer ₹20000
Stenographer-Cum-Computer Operator ₹20000
Data Entry Operator ₹17860


  • Gen/OBC: ₹400
  • SC/ST: ₹100

How to Apply for BSEB Recruitment 2019

Eligible and Interested candidates can apply through the official website of BSEB

  • Visit the official website
  • Click on Recruitment
  • Read the official notification
  • If Eligible, Click on Apply Online link
  • Fill the Application form and Submit
  • Take a printout for feature reference

Important Dates

Starting Date to Apply 26 Sep 2019
Last Date to Apply 10 Oct 2019

Important Links

Official Notification Click Here
Apply Online Click Here

All the best

About90 team

Bombay High Court Recruitment 2019 – Apply 165 System Officer & Senior System Officer Posts @

Bombay High Court Recruitment 2019: Bombay High Court has released a notification for the recruitment of 165 System Officer & Senior System Officer Posts. Interested and Eligible candidates who are looking for a career in Bombay Court, should apply for these posts. Check more details like qualification, age limit, how to apply, selection process, exam date check below.

Bombay High Court Recruitment 2019 Vacancy Details

Organization Name Bombay High Court
Job Category Court Job
Total No.of Posts 165
Job Location Mumbai
Name of the Post No. of Posts
Senior System Officer 38
System Officer 127

Age Limit

Candidates age should not be more than 40 years.

Educational Qualification

Candidate should have passed a Degree of B.E./B.Tech (Computer Science/ Engineering or Information Technology or Electronic Engineering or equivalent).

Selection Procedure

The selection process is on the basis of Interview.


Name of the Post Scale
Senior System Officer ₹46,000
System Officer ₹40,000


  • Gen/OBC:
  • SC/ST:

How to Apply for Bombay High Court Recruitment 2019

Eligible and Interested candidates can apply through the official website of Bombay High Court

  • Visit the official website
  • Click on Recruitment
  • Read the official notification
  • If Eligible, Click on Apply Online link
  • Fill the Application form and Submit
  • Take a printout for feature reference

Important Dates

Starting Date to Apply 30 Sep 2019
Last Date to Apply 21 Oct 2019

Important Links

Official Notification Click Here
Apply Online Click Here

All the best

About90 team

APSPDCL Junior Linemen Result 2019 – JLM Merit List @

APSPDCL Junior Linemen Result 2019: Southern Power Distribution Company of AP Limited has released the APSPDCL Energy Assistant (Junior Lineman Grade-II) Result 2019 on its official website

APSPDCL Junior Linemen Result 2019

The candidates who gave the APSPDCL JLM examination are eagerly waiting for the result. The APSPDCL has been declared the JLM Gr.II result and uploaded the result to their official website. Candidates can also check and download the result from the below links which we are providing.

Organization Name: Southern Power Distribution Company of AP Limited

Job Category: State Govt

Name of the Post: Energy Assistant (Junior Lineman Grade-II)

Number of Posts: 5107 (APSPDCL) + 2859 (APEPDCL)

Job Location: Andhra Pradesh

Status: Result – Declared

Starting Date: 02/08/2019

Final Date to Apply: 17/08/2019

Date of Examination: 03/09/2019 to 07/09/2019

Candidates who have appeared for the Written Examination from 03rd September 2019 to 07th September 2019. Appeared candidates can check the results by district wise.

Check the district wise results – Click Here

UPSRTC Meerut Recruitment 2019 – Apply 162 Contract Conductor Posts @

UPSRTC Meerut Recruitment 2019: Uttar Pradesh Road Transport Corporation has released a notification for the recruitment of 162 Contract Conductor Posts for Meerut Region. Interested and Eligible candidates who are looking for a career in UPSRTC, should apply for these posts. Check more details like qualification, age limit, how to apply, selection process, exam date check below.

UPSRTC Meerut Recruitment 2019 Vacancy Details

Organization Name Uttar Pradesh Road Transport Corporation
Job Category State Govt
Name of the Post Contract Conductor
Total No.of Posts 162
Job Location Meerut

Age Limit

Candidates age should be a minimum of 18 years and a maximum of 40 years.

Educational Qualification

Candidate should have passed the 12th Class Examination.

Selection Procedure

The selection process is on the basis of Written Examination/ Interview.


  • Gen/OBC: ₹ 200
  • SC/ST: ₹ 100

How to Apply for UPSRTC Meerut Jobs 2019

Eligible and Interested candidates can apply through the official website of UPSRTC

  • Visit the official website
  • Go to the Recruitment Page
  • Read the official notification
  • If Eligible, Click on Apply Online link @
  • Fill the Application form and Submit
  • Take a printout for feature reference

Important Dates

Starting Date to Apply 30 Sep 2019
Last Date to Apply 06 Oct 2019

Important Links

Official Notification Click Here
Apply Online Click Here

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About90 team